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The Art for the Young project targets the age group of 3-10 year olds, because, according to the renowned Italian educator Maria Montessori, these are the years when children most benefit from adult guidance. We also believe visiting galleries and museums as a form of play subconsciously develops the value system of young children. The impact of the art lessons at the museum has been astounding. Apart from the children’s interest in this kind of engagement with the world of art, many parents have attended the Gallery for the first time in years. Several indicated that they usually visit museums and galleries when they travel abroad. With the Art for the Young project the they are now rediscovering the masterpieces displayed at Sofia’s National Gallery.

Our objective in promoting this project, as opposed to other undertakings, is to create a real art laboratory, one that will foster and develop new creative ideas in an atmosphere of experimentation. The project’s educators strongly believe creating works in a variety of media will nurture new talent and new ideas, and expand art activities that will increase and support the contemporary art scene in Bulgaria. In addition to the museum visits and seminars this project will achieve its objectives by presenting a series of exhibitions that should generate a dynamic environment where seminars, discussions and workshops will take place, activities that will invigorate the energize Bulgarian contemporary art and scene by helping it find its balance – nationally and internationally.

With the support of the M.T. Abraham Foundation, workshops took place during the The Bronzes of Edgar Degas exhibition at the National Gallery.

Anatomy of Human Movement in Space
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